Sunday, January 10, 2010

Extending the Protest

Across Canada, rallies are scheduled for January 23, and tens of thousands of Canadians have already signed up to participate.

That's fabulous, but most Canadians are older and many older people are not comfortable with the idea of rallies. In addition many Canadians live too far away from a scheduled rally to attend, or they won't be able to get off work, or they have kids, or lots of other reasons why the rally won't work for them. In addition, it is quite possible (given that it's January) that the weather will prevent many people from attending.

We need to think of some ways of extending the January 23 protest... preferably something that Canadians can do on January 23 to participate in the protest without attending a rally.

That's as far as I've got. Any ideas?

Update: Some ideas:

Wear a black armband on January 23.

Ask people to sign a symbolic protest - e.g. a giant pink slip for Harper, or a giant "Get Back to Work" notice, and display this signed banner/notice in a public place, like the local shopping mall/community centre.



Oxford County Liberals said...

Send in that concern to the Facebook creator of CAPP, or of the creator of the site, and see what they have to say on the matter.

Yappa said...

I raised this on the Facebook discussion page and there has been some feedback but nothing useful yet. I was hoping to write the organizers with ideas once I got some.

Anonymous said...

I can't recall the name of the group...Tamil Tigers supporters or something - anyway, they shut down the Gardiner Expressway in Toronto last year. Made TV and print news. Got the government moving.

And the truckers who blocked highways during their strikes for whatever it was. Same effect - it worked and worked fast.

I've always thought, if a fringe group like that can effect change, why don't Canadians as a group do this - both for restoring civil parliament and accountable politicians, and for our healthcare.

We've become complacent and Harper counts on that. He knows most Canadians are apathetic. If we want change, we have to be willing to stand up to them and say so loudly.

So that's an idea.

Anonymous said...

Conduct online interactive chats at the protests and erect the comments of those who cannot attend on signs.

Assemble all online comments and email them to every MP in the house as well as every media outlet.

CuriosityCat said...

Stage protests against prorogation in visible sites along the highways and byways of Vancouver, DURING THE OLYMPIC GAMES, and especially around the Media centre, where 10,000 journalists from all over the world will be concentrating.

Think of the exposure ...

And the impact it will have on Harper trying to sweep his prorogation act under the carpet.

Northern PoV said...

Sorry Cat,
I live in the West-end of Vancouver and am watching the city turning into an armed camp.
Transit police with large paddy-wagons is the latest iteration.

I am sure any protesters will be treated to "free speech zones" courtesy of our collective gov'ts.

CuriosityCat said...

Black armbands with a short slogan against prorogation, worn by individuals walking on their ownsome through the streets of Vancouver - that would work ...

gingercat said...

Why not use the old fashion petition? Stand outside of grocery stores and pharmacies. Have the petitions read by our M.P. in parliament like many other petitions have been in previous parliamentary sessions.

Yappa said...

Black armbands on Jan 23 is a great idea.

Big Winnie said...

GingerCat: I like that idea...Think about how many people who don't have computers or if they have them don't use Facebook?

Big Winnie said...

CAPP also has a link to an online petition:

Yappa said...

There's another petition here:

I have signed both petitions, but there are rules about how petitions have to be worded and distributed if they are to be considered by government, and I don't think either of these makes it.

Gene said...

A couple of ideas. Post a "No Prorogue" sign in one's car (like the "Baby on Board" sign). Similar sign can be posted in one's window at home. I also seem to remember that we were asked to have a lit candle in a front window during the 1st prorogue. That's another idea.

ridenrain said...

They should definitely use their friends in the LTTE and the Tamil Tigers to drum up support for this event
What better optics can their be to show solidarity with Canadians and their troops in Afghanistan than to join with an organization that Paul Martin himself labeled as a terrorist organization. After all.. Prorogation is bad here because Harper is using it to avoid embarrassing questions about Canadian troops handling of Taliban prisoners. Since the Liberal party has set itself as the inquisitor here, it's their duty to bring forth these accusations from the source. If Bob Rae can visit Indonesia and talk with the Tigers, then he should also go forth and talk to the Taliban too.

Anonymous said...

I support this effort 100% these elected people are supposed to be serving the people who elected them, not dictating to them, all done on full pay and benefits